The Death

In the Name of God the Compassionate the Merciful

Sujood is the most humbling, informative pose for repentance, closeness and sharing love with Allah

I remember mourning the losses of my grandparents in private and as if I knew there would be a day that I won’t be able to see them anymore before it happens. I made sure I looked at them enough and I stayed close to them enough. Yet processing death as an adult is something else. I can’t claim that I’ve learned all the ins and outs of this complicated emotion and I feel it is one of the most important lessons of life to know it ends and it’s all temporary whether we like it or not. We lose people. Death card in the rider deck is followed by interpretations of transformations. I’ve been meditating on the meaning of this card so much past few years and to me it is the symbol of metamorphosis. Something that’s’ hard to describe but can be felt and experienced. Change in a way that it transforms us and expands us. In a way that we can see more, feel more and understand more and still be in our human form. The loss of a loved one is pretty much the same, you wake up to the same sun and go to sleep to the same moon you hear songs and the birds, you remember them you see flowers and it reminds you of memories then you wonder where is the physical presence of that person who used to laugh with you, where is the smile? Their voice? Your physical equation has missing values now and you wonder how to make sense of it all once more and that’s where faith comes in with sirens of help where it says inna lillah va inna ilayhe rajeoon. To god we belong and to him we return. Reflecting in a moment that all the people that we always have loved are in a closet of love with God and he is keeping them till we return together once more. It may be hard to cope with and digest when we are in this 3d plane and mourning the physical loss of someone yet the knowingness that soul of the same entity with the same quarks and surprises, weirdness and charm in a different realm is alive and waiting for us is a blessing. This knowledge is a doorway to hope so we can look forward with more faith that keeps us as one together in God’s light. That we all return to him with our loved ones that we lost and there is only growth between us before that happens. We receive them in expanded conscious and they receive us in that state. May allah gives all the mourning hearts more patience and may he rewards the passed ones with peace and protection inshallah.

The death card means transformations

In Quran it has been mentioned that when time ends and the judgement day comes all the believers fall down and do sujood tearfully to God and when I read it I couldn’t stop visualizing the emotions that run through that moment in my head and I enjoyed the replay multiple times. There is so much forgiveness that’s being asked from God and it is very beautiful.